말하기(Speaking) 연습하기 -Clothing-

말하기(Speaking) 연습하기 -Clothing-

등록일 : 2018.03.12조회 : 947댓글 : 0




해당 질문에 대해 영어로 자신감을 가지고 답변해주세요!


Describe one of your favorite clothing

본인의 좋아하는 옷중에 하나를 묘사해주세요


 What is it looks like?


How did you get it?


Do you often dress it?


Explain why it is your favorite clothing.





머피라면 이렇게 대답하고 싶어요!




My favorite clothing is my blue denim skirt.


It is an A-line and button-front skirt 

and the bottom part is rounded.


Especially, the buttons shine 

by reflecting sunlight, so it is so cute.


I got it at H&M, clothing store where is  located near my house. 

It was only 10 bucks 

and pretty cheap for me.


I always wear it 

during the girl's night or on holidays.


 The reason that I love this skirt is 

that it makes me look thinner and hotter.


All my friends give me compliments 

everytime when I am in that skirt.





, 이제 여러분 차례입니다!


연습은 절대 여러분을 배반하지 않아요!


Let's get it!


이 글이 유익하셨다면 공유해주세요!


관련 컨텐츠

여러분의 의견을 남겨주세요.

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