말하기(Speaking) 연습하기 -City-

말하기(Speaking) 연습하기 -City-

등록일 : 2018.03.16조회 : 1,195댓글 : 0



스피킹 연습하기 시간이 돌아 왔습니다~ 

아, 그전에 작문 4탄에서 드린 문제에 대한 답을 알아보고 가야겠죠?


3. In spite of the fact that many ordinary middle-aged people say they generally feel physically healthy and in good shape, deliberating heart attack or strokes can occur sudenly at any time.


작문 1탄에서 본 비어있는 구절이 보이신다면! 반은 성공하신겁니다!

그리고 중복되는 의미를 가진 구 역시 숨어있는데요.....

그것을 바로......



In spite of the fact that many ordinary middle-aged people say they generally feel physically healthy and in good shape, deliberating heart attack or strokes 

can occur sudenly at any time.

In spite of the fact that이 의미상으로 필수적인 부분이므로, 생략을 불가능하지만 간단히 한 단어로 수정을 할 수있죠!


Although many ordinary middle-aged people say they generally feel physically healthy and in good shape, deliberating heart attack or strokes can occur sudenly at any time.

물론 Although 나 even though 어느 것을 쓰셔도 무방하십니다. 


그럼 healthy 와 in good shape 어떨까요?

두 가지 모두 같은 건강하다는 의미를 가지고 있으므로......


Although many ordinary middle-aged people say they generally feel physically healthy and in good shape, deliberating heart attack or strokes can occur sudenly at any time.

in good shape을 삭제 하도록해요ㅎㅎ




Although many ordinary middle-aged people say they generally feel physically healthy, deliberating heart attack or strokes can occur sudenly at any time.


자, 이제 마지막 문장으로 넘어가시죠.



4. The general censensus of opinion among voters was that the mayor had exceeded his authority.


생략 또는 다른 단어와 교체 가능한 부분이 보이시나요???

그것은 바로......(두구두구)


The general consensusof opinionamong voters was that the mayor had exceeded his authority.

General consensus  of opinion 


먼저, consensus의 의미는

general agreement


concensus of opinion

a general opinion shared by all the people in a group  


저 세단어가 합쳐져서 의미가 중복되고 있습니다. 




The general  agreement among voters was that the mayor had exceeded his authority.

The consensus  among voters was that the mayor had exceeded his authority.

The general  opinion among voters was that the mayor had exceeded his authority.



이 세가지로 수정될 수 있습니다!


이렇게 문장을 잘쓰고 고치기 위해서는  ㅠㅠ 역시 어휘력이 필요한거 같습니다만!!!

아이엘츠 단어에 대한 더 자세한 이야기는 차후로 미뤄두고!




스피킹 시간으로 돌아와야겠죠?


오늘의 주제는 바로....


18. Describe a city that you have visited.

where the city is (and its name)

when you went there

what you liked / disliked about the city

and explain why you visited this city.



머피는 이렇게 말하고 싶습니다.


I have visited in San Francisco where is located in California,  the United States. 

I went there last year for my summer vacation.

I loved the beautiful victorian style houses and the weather, which it wasn't humid at all.

Moreover, I liked huge and tall palmtrees that I can barely see in South Korea.

Sadly, I was scared of numerous homeless people. They just scatter throughout everywhere in the city. 

I just went there because I love  the food and people. 



두려워하지 마시고! 영어는, 특히 스피킹은 자신감입니다. 

할 수 있다는 마음가짐으로 아이엘츠 스피킹도 정복해봐요!






이 글이 유익하셨다면 공유해주세요!


관련 컨텐츠

여러분의 의견을 남겨주세요.

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