말하기(Speaking) 연습하기 -Book-

말하기(Speaking) 연습하기 -Book-

등록일 : 2018.03.20조회 : 878댓글 : 0



어제 우리가 공부한 Parallelism.

추가 문장에 대해서 생각을 해보셨나요?

그 문제들에 대한 정답을 알려드립니다!!


1. He is succeeding through hard work, persistence, and maybe he is also having a bit of luck. 

2. Joanne likes cooking, weaving, and makes jewelry.

3. I did all my math homework, studied my Spanish, and then there was that English paper to write.

4. That concept applies neither to you nor me.

5. Jon helped to wash the car and with cleaning out the basement.

6. On weekedns, she likes biking with her children or to work in her garden.


총 여섯문제! 어마어마 하죠ㅎㅎㅎ.. 차근차근 보신다면 어려운건 없습니다!


1. He is succeeding through hard workpersistenceand maybe he is also having a bit of luck. 


자 무엇이 보이시나요? 

Through 뒤로 hard work 이란 명사

persistence란 명사!


maybe he is also having a bit of luck. 이란 완벽한 문장....?!???!?

자, 이걸 명사구로 바꿔줘야 겠죠?


1. He is succeeding through hard workpersistenceand maybe he is also having a bit of luck. 


1. He is succeeding through hard workpersistenceand  a bit of luck. 

따단, 아직 다섯 문장이 남았으니...

스피드하게 진행하겠습니다.


2. Joanne likes cooking, weaving, and makes jewelry.

Cooking 동명사

Weaving 동명사

Makes??? 이것은 그냥 동사이므로


2. Joanne likes cookingweaving, and making jewelry.


이어서 3번!


3. I did all my math homework, studied my Spanish, and then there was that English paper to write.

did는 과거형 동사(do-did-done)

studied 또한 과거형 동사 (study-studied-studied)


그런데, and 뒤에 문장이 나왔죠?



3. I did all my math homework, studied my Spanish, and then wrote the English paper.

동사형으로 바꿔주는 센스!!



4. That concept applies neither to you nor me.

이 문장에서 조금 '어쩌라는거지?' 라는 생각을 하셨을 수도 있습니다.

그러나 정말 간단하게 전치사 하나만 자리이동을 하시면 됩니다!



applies neither to you nor me.


Neither A nor B

이라는 상관접속사가 있는데요. 이 접속사 A와 B의 형식이 동일해야 합니다.

그러므로 to를 aplies 뒤로 옮기면....


4. That concept applies  to neither you nor me.


아주 간단하죠?



5. Jon helped to wash the car and with cleaning out the basement.

and를 사이로 형식이 다른것이 보이시나요?

To //wash 는 동사

with cleaning 동명사...????!??



5. Jon helped to wash the car and clean out the basement. 

이라고 고쳐줍시다!




6. On weekedns, she likes biking with her children or to work in her garden.

biking 동명서

to work 동사



6. On weekedns, she likes biking with her children or working in her garden.


휴.. 정말 수고하셨습니다. 




하지만..아직 본론은 가지도 못했다는 사실....ㅠㅠ



오늘의 주제는 바로....

-Book- 입니다!


39. Describe a book that you would like to read again.

You should say:

What the book was about

Why you read it the first place

What you learned from this book

And explain why you would like to read again.


머피라면 이렇게 말하고 싶어요~





I would like to read 'The Strength in What Remains' by Tracy Kidder.


When I was in college, my professor wanted us to read the book for essay. 


The main character, Deo, he was one of the survivors from the genocide through Burundi and Rwanda in 1994.


He came to the United States and experienced the different kinds of humanity being traumatized from the memory of genocide.


I was a foreigner when I was in college. Hence, I could feel the same way as Deo did. 


It was not the same intensity as Deo had to endure, though.


As I read this book, I could learn forgiveness is needed in our society and see how he tried to overcome his memory of genocide.


I just want to read the book again that was a comfort to me.





오늘도 힘차게 

할수있다를 외치며! 

영어 정복해봐요!



이 글이 유익하셨다면 공유해주세요!


관련 컨텐츠

여러분의 의견을 남겨주세요.

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