6 months since Corona started, how did the path to Canada change?
캐나다 이민/유학 칼럼

6 months since Corona started, how did the path to Canada change?

등록일 : 2020.09.15조회 : 995댓글 : 0



Hello, its MURPHY.


Its already the end of August now, but Corona is still going on

We are all sensitive because of this situation, we don’t know when it is going to be serious again. 

So, please wear the mask for the others, not just for yourself. 


Wash your hands properly and do not forget to keep social distance with people. Please!






The reason why we emphasized about Corona is because we wanted to talk about the situation between Korea and Canada, 

since Corona started about 6 months ago. 


In Korea, the Corona started on mid-February, and about a month later it also hit Canada.



We actually experienced a lot of difficult situations we didn’t expect, so we felt hopeless at first. But we cannot always blame Corona. 

There are people who want to immigrate to Canada, 

so we are going to share how things changed in the past 6 months about Canada immigration and Corona. 






On March, Corona started to spread everywhere and Canada forbid foreigners to enter. 

Then Canada-America boarders were closed, and this caused difficult situation with visa.


There were not a lot of visa offer until July. 


But the thing is that compared to visa, permanent residence was keeping its record high. 

There were big cases of CEC(Canadian Experience Class) applicants. 

Also, a lot of people found out that the category of Express Entry CEC’s (Canadian Experience Class) boarder was very low at the time, 

so most of them seized this opportunity.




Now, let’s have a look at 6 months of Corona situation.



A lot of less people were planning to study abroad on September,2020. It was almost zero. 

Even most of the international students in and out of Canada are in the same situation; stopped or postponed.



A lot of Colleges even canceled the whole major on May semester 

or announced not opening the major that was supposed to be opened on Septmeber,2020. 

And students from this class had to go through some difficulties due to this problem. 

Even if the classes were opened, most of them were processed through online, 

so students who think online is inefficient, had no choice but to delay or postpone it.



Whereas, students who are already in Canada, 

finished well with January and May semester classes and now proceeding September classes.



There are students who are listening to class online and also who are preparing to go to Canada for September semester classes. 

But, because foreigners are forbidden to enter, they were not allowed to go with their families. 

So, most of the applicants decided to go alone.



Also, eTA application and evolution started from July and they had to go through enter confirmation, 

but there were few cases of short-term stay visa families entering together.



But the thing is even if you have eTA, without specific reason, it’s not so easy to get in. 

So, we have to get ready for any challenges. 

We also recommend some ways such as requesting for pre-entry apply letter beforehand from the immigration and try to enter.



When it comes to requesting pre-entry apply form, the result depends on the reason you wrote for entering. 

This means, you need to prepare it very well. The processing period is all different. 

The fastest period was 2-3 days, but the longest was 2 weeks or more. 

We found out that if you have a place to stay in Canada, they approve a bit faster, but if you are new to the country then it takes a while. 





We guess people who are planning to start from this year September would be most stressful. 



Canada student visa is divided into two phases. 

There is 1st stage approval letter that includes “Starting with online outside Canada “content 

and 2nd stage approval letter which is based on physical examination and biometrics results later on. 

From last 14. Aug, the 1st stage approval letter was issued to some of the student visa applicants. 

But this letter is just for studies, not getting approval for entering. 

So, there are few people who are getting ready to be on board or still waiting for 1st stage approval letter.


Now, those who postponed their September semester classes on 2020 are looking forward to January semester classes on 2021. 

These people need to secure their seats, due to students who postponed on September,2020.



If you don’t have English score, you might not be able to enter January classes on 2021. 

So you must check the qualifications and availability. 



Meanwhile, People who are thinking of September semester classes on 2021 might be thinking of how to spend a year. 

First, people who already have English score will be proceed originally by finding seats for regular courses. 

But people who are thinking of studying abroad or conditional entrance might be concerned. 

Online ESL fees might be a big burden as well if you are thinking of studying English in Korea and entering school on September next year.



MURPHY also knows well about how online courses are stressful for those, 

so we recommend those who wish to enter on September 2021, 

to get English scores as fast as they can and confirm the regular course.


Also, those who wanted to learn English first due to their English skills and decided to go for conditional entrance, 

might have to change their plans. 

They first need to reduce the time of studying English in Canada, study hard In Korea and try to enter as a regular course.


If you are thinking of preparing English scores in Korea, there are ILETS academies. 

But if you are thinking of studies for studying abroad, then there are online courses provided from Canada academies. 

A lot of academies have discount promotions due to Corona, 

so we believe that this time would be the best time to experience online course College pass way.




If you are looking forward to offline courses, we recommend ELL program from Soongsil Univ. 

which is provided from Centennial College for Korean students who want to study Canada ESL program from September this year.





Especially who are planning to take courses from 2020 and to enter regular course on 2021, they have one blank year. 

So, even though it’s hard to go back to Canada, the best way is to improve your English skills to standards for proper entrance.




Of course, people who already have English score, 

need to apply for school and  plan their dates beforehand for securing seats on September, 

2021 due to postponed students on 2020. 


There are schools that provides regular course seats without English scores, and schools that needs the scores. 

For this part, you can contact MURPHY for more details.




Then what about immigration? Visa processing period is very short and most of them need to enter quickly after its issued. 

On the other hand, if the visa procedure is closed down, immigration procedure with stable period might be better option. 



The results are processed through examination regularly for government immigration which leads to permanent residence. 

For ON state, the competition is very high even though they are regularly processing selection, due to guerilla opening through categories.

For federal immigration as known as Express Entry, 

they are selecting with two different classes CEC(Canadian Experience Class) and PNP(Provincial Nominee Class). 

CEC(Canadian Experience Class). Is a program that provides to people who has experience in Canada. 

Due to the influence of pandemic, the selection scores are 440-450 points. 

You can go for it if you have academic ability or experience in Canada.


EE-PNP(Express Entry / Provincial Nominee Class) Category which you can apply 

with the additional points after being selected by state government, is also regularly processing selection. 

These movement are based on the results that Canada has a hard time accepting foreigners at this point. 

So, they decided to select the applicants inside of Canada for immigration quota. 




While Express Entry selection was processed, FSW(Federal Skilled Worker) as known as professional personnel category was also selected. 

And this was great news for people who were preparing EE outside of Canada. 

But the score was extremely high, and this made people think “is this even possible?!”. 


No Way What GIF


They announced to select people over 470 points. 

We MURPHY also thought that this might be too hard. 

But we realized there were still quite few people who went through with this. 

I guess there are a lot of talents out there among our customers, congrats for them again! 



Seeing the situation now, Express Entry is also going to select by categories. 

So, if you are looking forward to EE selection by professional personnel outside of Canada,

 then we recommend for you to prepare based on a proper standard. 



There is the only federal program called FST(Federal Skilled Trades). 

This is not selected too often but its selected with low points. 

So, people who were already selected previously with 415 points were a bit disappointed with this fact. 

Normal FST(Federal Skilled Trades) are selected with 300 points approximately. 

It was a challengeable category even if you have age and point limits, 

whereas others are only able to apply if you have an experience in a certain field.


This was selected once a year. 

The high score is a bit hard to get, but it’s a relief that even with Corona situation, immigration is still on its way. 





Fun fact, there are more cases for sponsor invitation.


Even though Canada approves entry to people who has permanent residency, 

citizenship or related as family, 

but they have already been through hard times of not staying together for quite a long time 

and I guess they have deeper relationship than they used to have because of this reason. 

Most of them are tired and have mental anxiety due to Corona. 

So, half of the invitation customers are processing invitation procedure to stay with their families. 


They all have same reason; they want to be with each other when it’s a dangerous situation. 

So, we understand those people who wants to hurry with this procedure.



Another increasement of procedure isself-immigration. 

This procedure takes quite long time, so most of them are just applying it first and wait for the Corona situation to end.


There are often people who gives us calls in Canada, 

and there are also some others who wants to process again after they got confirmed by MURPHY. (A LOT of time to prepare for documents ….T.T) 

There are also people who were thinking of children abroad, but then changed to self-immigration due to Corona situation.


Actually, for self-immigration, the procedure is 1-2 years. 

So, if you use this wisely with Corona situation, 

this might be a better plan for getting permeant residence after Corona finishes. 

So, in this period, most of the Canadian immigrants are stopped 

and immigration applicants including self-immigration applicants are also looking for a good time to process, 

so it can be a good way to be active and move on quickly at this point.


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Within the self-immigration, criminal record is also an issue. 

It’s about Pardon. 

If you have criminal record, you have reason for disqualification for Canadian visa or permanent residence. 

Especially if you have more than two cases of criminal record, you have to apply for pardon even if it’s passed 10 years.



There are few people who think that criminal record only includes heavy crime, 

but it also includes drink and drive or car accidents. 

Most of them get caught for these two reasons. 

And pardon results procedure takes a year or more than this, 

so getting ready for pardon while applying for study visa can be a damage for studies and departing preparation.


So, there are more cases of getting the pardon results first in Corona situation and then considering Canadian visa residence.


Except for the procedure during entry to Canada and in the boarder, 

Visa and permanent resident examination is still processing, so you need to get ready for this as well.



While LMIA is having a big trouble with finding a job. 

LMIA refuses often and procedure is very slow. 

So, most of those who are preparing for work visa are concerned. 

Because of Corona, 

national unemployment rate is getting higher and there were some examples of foreign workers who got infected by Corona virus. 

So, there are more cases of rejecting foreign workers at this point. This is definitely not easy for foreigners to apply for work visa.



There are also some questions from customers who are looking for other ways 

because they were already rejected from LMIA(Labor Market Impact Assessment) or feel like they are going to be rejected. 


Bill Murray Good Luck GIF by reactionseditor


 Now, we can summary what MURPHY told you.

Immigrant visa is going UP, non-immigrant visa is going DOWN.


I heard that others had this, then do I have a problem? Am I the bad case?


If you think like this, don’t be too devastated, it’s not just you, its everyone. 

So, everyone keep their works and have high hopes!


MURPHY will always be with everyone, Thank you.

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