머피에 맡기면 Reference 걱정 끝!!

머피에 맡기면 Reference 걱정 끝!!

등록일 : 2011.04.18조회 : 6,873댓글 : 0

29개 직종 발표가 있은 후부터 CIO에서는 전에 없이 많은 서류심사 거절통보서가 발급되었습니다.
거절의 가장 대표적인 사유는 결국 Reference Letter!


머피와 함께하는 전문인력이민 Reference is the Best Friend!!

29개 직종 발표가 있은 후부터 CIO에서는 전에 없이 많은 서류심사 거절통보서가 발급되었습니다. 거절의 가장 대표적인 사유는 결국 Reference Letter!!

“You have not provided sufficient evidence from your current and previous employers that you performed the actions described in the lead statement for the occupation or that you performed a substantial number of the main duties of the occupation as set out in the occupational description of the NOC _______ ”
또는 …
 “_______because you did not provide reference letters from your employers. The Career Certificates that you submitted did not provide sufficient evidence that you performed the actions described in_______the NOC.”

회사에서 발급한 재직증명서와 경력증명서만으로 경력인정을 받지 못한다면, 누구에게??? 어떤 내용으로??? Reference letter를 받아야 할지… 회사에 이민간다고 말해야 하나?? 사업자는 도대체 누구에게 받아야 할까??
우여곡절 끝에 확인된 캐나다 이민국에서 요구하는 Reference letter, Work descriptions, Performance appraisals! 이제 머피의 수속대행서비스를 만나면 고객 맞춤형 Reference를 확인할 수 있습니다.

Reference letter 살짝 보기 - 직장인용

February 18, 2011
ABC Co., Ltd. is one of leading company, which provide                 products and service in
domestic market and established in January 2000 to add greater competitiveness to XXXXX business.
Currently ABC Co., Ltd. has 350 full-time employees and has been expanding its business area to XXXXXX.
Mr. Gildong Hong was one of our employees. And this letter is being written for verifying his personal duties
because there is no formal document in which indicate detailed job description of individual staffs in this company.
Information of employee
Name in Full : Gildong Hong
Date of Birth : January 1, 1970
Address : 1-101 Hankuk-Apt. 1234, Yeoksam-dong, Gangnam-gu, Seoul
Employment period : Jan. 1, 2005 ~ Dec. 31, 2009 (5 years)
Jan. 1, 2005~Dec. 31, 2007: Marketing Manager in Marketing Dept. II
Jan. 1, 2008~Dec. 31, 2009: Sales & Marketing Manager in S&M Division
Annual salary : KRW 50,000,000 in the year of 2009
Personal duties & responsibilities
As a Sales & Marketing Manager, he performed the followings
This is to certify that the above stated information is true and correct. If you have any question or need further
clarification about this matter, please contact this company (Tel. Tel. +82 (02) 1234-5678)

Thank you.
Official Sealed by
ABC Co., Ltd.
123-256, Seocho-dong, Seocho-gu, Seoul, Korea
Tel. +82 (02) 1234-5678
Fax. +82 (02)2345-6789
e-mail. hrmanager@abc.com


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