과거 캐나다영주권자 eta관련 질문입니다.

과거 캐나다영주권자 eta관련 질문입니다.

007hsk등록일 : 2018.06.12조회 : 3,146댓글 : 0


10년전 영주권포기하고 한국에 살고 있습니다.

당사 한국캐나다 대사관을 통해 영주권 포기 신고를 하고

포기승인서류로 새로운 한국 여권과 주민증을 발급 받았구요 .


금번 캐나다 여행을 위해  eta를 신청하니 아직 영주권 상태라고 eta가 widrawn되었습니다.

관련서류 등으로 확인해라고 하는데....

10년이 지난 지금 아무 서류도 가지고 있지 않으므로

어떻게 확인이나 진행해야 하는지요.


아래의 Comment입니다.

잘 부탁 드립니다.


A review of your Electronic Travel Authorization (eTA) application has revealed that you are a Canadian permanent resident.


By law, Canadian permanent residents, including those who are also citizens of a visa-exempt country, cannot apply for an eTA. As a result, your application for an eTA has been withdrawn.


Your application is now closed. You do not hold a valid eTA.


Appropriate travel documents for Canadian permanent residents


As a Canadian permanent resident, you will need to present a valid Permanent Resident Card or a Permanent Resident Travel Document when travelling to Canada. It is recommended that you also present your valid foreign passport. Otherwise, you may experience delays or be prevented from boarding your flight and/or entering Canada.


As a Canadian permanent resident, it is your responsibility to make sure that your Permanent Resident Card is still valid, and to apply for a new card when your current one expires.


If you are living in Canada and do not have a Permanent Resident Card, find out how to apply.


If you are outside of Canada and do not have a Permanent Resident Card or your card is expired, find out how to apply for a Permanent Resident Travel Document




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과거 캐나다영주권자 eta관련 질문입니다.

머피등록일 : 2018.10.23

이 글이 유익하셨다면 공유해주세요!


여러분의 의견을 남겨주세요.

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