[Canada Study Abroad] Murphy & Olds College Seminar Review
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[Canada Study Abroad] Murphy & Olds College Seminar Review

등록일 : 2024.01.15조회 : 1,058댓글 : 0



Hello from Murphy!


On Friday January 12, Murphy and Olds College held a seminar together at Murphy office in Gangnam station. The main theme of this seminar was about studying abroad in Canada,  and we introduced various programs from Olds College and the visa process for the attendees.




For the seminar, Mr. Kay (International Market Development Manager) and Mr. Beadoin (Dean of Trades & Skills) from Olds College were the keynote speaker for providing information about programs in Olds College andfor the visa processing part, Murphy took part as the main speaker.




Murphy and Olds College hosted the seminar through both in-person and online session.  All the attendees were international student (mainly Uzbekistan, and other country from Nepal, Bangladesh, and Russia etc,)  who graduated from universities in Korea and preparing for next future. 


Since they already graduated and have a degree in specific major,  most of them wanted to develop their specialty furthermore, by expanding their option to study in Canada.  And through this opportunity Murphy and Olds College decided to recruit international students who were interested in studying in Canada.




As for Olds College, it is located in Alberta, famous for agriculture and technology.  

Mr. Kay and Mr. Beadoin, took some time to explain about what it is like to live and study in Alberta.  They both mentioned that Olds College has reasonable tuition expenses compared to other colleges, and even with the living expenses, any age group could fit in to the budget and live comfortably. The dormitory arrangement can be made with an adequate price and the residence fee would be suitable for young international students as well. Although Olds College is mostly well known for agriculture and technology, there are other excellent programs such as business and tourism as well.  Also, with various post graduate programs, the options are wide for those after studying bachelor’s degree




And when it comes to job preparation, Mr. Beadoin, the Dean of Trades & Skills, works for the department where a lot of international students chooses to study and as the expert in the field, working in the trade, he would assist with job support for students in the related field.  Also, with only few miles away from the main city Calgary, international students could have various job options.


"To summarize, with the reasonable living expense and great opportunity of job seeking, it attracted many of the attendees from the seminar and with the serious question about costs and credit transfer, Murphy and Olds College were able to feel the strong will from these young students to study, work and settle down in Canada."



All of the attendees were concentrating so well and other than the questions about Olds College many of them were curious about the visa process as wellIn Korea, obtaining a visa is complicated, and since the visa processing is different from Canada, the main concern of the attendees was obtaining the visa safely in Canada. So, with 26 years of experience, Murphy was able to provide the guideline for the young attendees about the visa process.



There may be a lot of information within the internet and have easy access to the community,  but it is not easy for the young attendees to prepare everything by themselves, and a professional assistance is recommended.  That is why this seminar was held, to provide professional support for those who have limited information and easy access to complicated visa preparation. All the keynote speakers were pleased with the atmosphere of the seminar and the good feedback gave us great inspiration.  With the hope of meeting all the attendees as our clients, the seminar ended successfully too.


Even during the seminar session, more attendants wanted to join us but unfortunately, we were not able to have them more.  However, this won’t be the last time and it won’t be long before Murphy will comeback with more diverse seminar in future,  so for those who were not able to attend the seminar this time, please stay tuned for our future notice.




At the end of the seminar, there was a surprise quiz session, and more than half of the attendees earned their prizes at the end.  And it was not only us who provided information to the attendees but also Murphy and Olds College learned a lot from the international students.  They shared their concerns and plans about future, and we were able to rediscover new facts about international students. 


Murphy has a long history with providing temporary permits (visitor, study, work permit) to permanent residency in Canada.  Not only the Koreans seek us for help but clients from all nations would visit Murphy for their stable status in Canada.


We could proudly say that Murphy has a high and successful rate of acceptance,  and all of our clients, both domestic and international, were pleased with the results. For those who are preparing for studying and immigrating to Canada, it is highly suggested that professional help is needed.  With diverse and various cases from Murphy, we will guarantee successful outcome for our future clients.


Anyone who seeks help can contact Murphy through the contact information (QR code included) provided below. Please don’t hesitate to contact us.






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