등록일 : 2023-06-01 / 조회 : 1694
작년말 “2023년을 바라봅니다” 라는 주제로 컨텐츠를 올려드리면서 Express Entry의 선발 방식 변동에 대해 설명드린바 있는데요.
이제 본격적인 직업군 중심의 드로우가 전개됩니다.
기존, 단순 점수만으로 선발을 내던것과는 완전히 다른 방식으로 전개되는 셈인데요.
올 연말까지는 해당 방식 체제로 운영될 것으로 보입니다.
해당 카테고리에 해당되는 분들은 빠른 시일내에 Express Entry 시스템에 프로필을 등록해두시고, 진행 상황을 지켜보시기 바랍니다.
2023년 EE 선발은 다음의 6가지 카테고리 내에서 진행되며,
기본적인 EE선발 기준외에 최근 3년중 6개월 이상의 경력을 갖추고 있어야 합니다. (PNP 선발은 기존과 변동없이 그대로 진행됩니다)
각 카테고리 별 세부직업군은 다음과 같습니다.
Healthcare occupations
Occupation |
NOC code |
TEER category |
Audiologists and speech language pathologists |
31112 |
1 |
Chiropractors |
31201 |
1 |
Dentists |
31110 |
1 |
Dieticians and nutritionists |
31121 |
1 |
Education counsellors |
41320 |
1 |
General practitioners and family physicians |
31102 |
1 |
Instructors of persons with disabilities |
42203 |
2 |
Kinesiologists and other professional occupation in therapy and assessment |
31204 |
1 |
Licensed practical nurses |
32101 |
2 |
Massage therapists |
32201 |
2 |
Medical laboratory assistants and related technical occupations |
33101 |
3 |
Medical laboratory technologists |
32120 |
2 |
Medical radiation technologists |
32121 |
2 |
Medical sonographers |
32122 |
2 |
Nurse aides, orderlies and patient service associates |
33102 |
3 |
Nurse practitioners |
31302 |
1 |
Nursing co-ordinators and supervisors |
31300 |
1 |
Occupational therapists |
31203 |
1 |
Optometrists |
31111 |
1 |
Other assisting occupations in support of health services |
33109 |
3 |
Other practitioners of natural healing |
32209 |
2 |
Other professional occupations in health diagnosing and treating |
31209 |
1 |
Other technical occupations in therapy and assessment |
32109 |
2 |
Paramedical occupations |
32102 |
2 |
Pharmacy technical assistants and pharmacy assistants |
33103 |
3 |
Physician assistants, midwives and allied health professionals |
31303 |
1 |
Physiotherapists |
31202 |
1 |
Psychologists |
31200 |
1 |
Registered nurses and registered psychiatric nurses |
31301 |
1 |
Respiratory therapists, clinical perfusionists and cardiopulmonary technologists |
32103 |
2 |
Specialists in clinical and laboratory medicine |
31100 |
1 |
Specialists in surgery |
31101 |
1 |
Therapists in counselling and related specialized therapies |
41301 |
1 |
Traditional Chinese medicine practitioners and acupuncturists |
32200 |
2 |
Veterinarians |
31103 |
1 |
Science, Technology, Engineering and Math (STEM) occupations
Occupation |
NOC code |
TEER category |
Architects |
21200 |
1 |
Architecture and science managers |
20011 |
0 |
Business systems specialists |
21221 |
1 |
Civil Engineers |
21300 |
1 |
Computer and information systems managers |
20012 |
0 |
Computer engineers (except software engineers and designers) |
21311 |
1 |
Computer systems developers and programmers |
21230 |
1 |
Cybersecurity specialists |
21220 |
1 |
Data scientists |
21211 |
1 |
Database analysts and data administrators |
21223 |
1 |
Electrical and electronics engineers |
21310 |
1 |
Engineering managers |
20010 |
0 |
Industrial and manufacturing engineers |
21321 |
1 |
Information systems specialists |
21222 |
1 |
Land surveyors |
21203 |
1 |
Landscape Architects |
21201 |
1 |
Mathematicians, statisticians and actuaries |
21210 |
1 |
Metallurgical and materials engineers |
21322 |
1 |
Natural and applied science policy researchers, consultants and program officers |
41400 |
1 |
Software developers and programmers |
21232 |
1 |
Software engineers and designers |
21231 |
1 |
Urban and land use planners |
21202 |
1 |
Web designers |
21233 |
1 |
Web developers and programmers |
21234 |
1 |
Trade occupations
Occupation |
NOC code |
TEER category |
Residential and commercial installers and servicers |
73200 |
3 |
Elevator constructors and mechanics |
72406 |
2 |
Machine fitters |
72405 |
2 |
Heating, refrigeration and air conditioning mechanics |
72402 |
2 |
Construction millwrights and industrial mechanics |
72400 |
2 |
Carpenters |
72310 |
2 |
Plumbers |
72300 |
2 |
Electricians (except industrial and power system) |
72200 |
2 |
Welders and related machine operators |
72106 |
2 |
Contractors and supervisors, other construction trades, installers, repairers and servicers |
72014 |
2 |
Transport occupations
Occupation |
NOC code |
TEER category |
Aircraft assemblers and aircraft assembly inspectors |
93200 |
3 |
Transport truck drivers |
73300 |
3 |
Railway traffic controllers and marine traffic regulators |
72604 |
2 |
Engineer officers, water transport |
72603 |
2 |
Deck officers, water transport |
72602 |
2 |
Air traffic controllers and related occupations |
72601 |
2 |
Air pilots, flight engineers and flying instructors |
72600 |
2 |
Aircraft mechanics and aircraft inspectors |
72404 |
2 |
Railway carmen/women |
72403 |
2 |
Managers in transportation |
70020 |
0 |
Agriculture and agri-food occupations
Occupation |
NOC code |
TEER category |
Contractors and supervisors, landscaping, grounds maintenance and horticulture services |
82031 |
2 |
Agricultural service contractors and farm supervisors |
82030 |
2 |
Butchers- retail and wholesale |
63201 |
3 |
신청할 수 있는 기회를 제공해주지 않을까 하는 기대도 되는데요.
특히 직종 타겟으로 된 만큼 관련 직종이 있는 분들 중,
학력, 경력, 영어를 잘하시는 분들이라면 충분히 도전을 해볼 수 있으리라 생각됩니다.
새로운 규정이 론칭되고나서 첫 선발이 정말 중요한거 알고 계시죠?
캐나다 정부는 계속해서 자국에 필요한 인재를 이러한 방식으로
전세계에서 소집을 할 예정이기 때문에...
관심 있는 분들은 첫 선발을 노려보시기 바랍니다.
캐나다 익스트레스엔트리는 해본 곳과 하셔야 잘합니다.
머피는 EE가 론칭된 이래로 꾸준히 진행을 하면서
여러 케이스 및 노하우를 보유한 이민에이전시입니다.
새로운 Express Entry 첫 선발의 주인공을 머피와 함께 여러분이 되어보시길 바랍니다.
EE수속이나 관련한 사항에 문의가 있으신 분들은 머피에게 언제든 문의주세요!